Folgende Exzerpte wurden besprochen:
- Asbury – The opposite of school
- Benkler – The penguin and the Leviathan: the triumph of cooperation over self-interest
- Ceres – They Rage-Quit the School System—and They’re Not Going Back
- Hutchinson and Burkitt – The political economy of social credit and guild socialism
- Kasmir – The myth of Mondragón: cooperatives, politics, and working-class life in a Basque town
- McDonald – Unschooled: raising curious, well-educated children outside the conventional classroom
- Mises – Observations on the Cooperative Movement
- Murray – Real education: four simple truths for bringing America’s schools back to reality
- Nasaw – Schooled to order: a social history of public schooling in the United States
- Sarris – School Is Not Enough
- Wong – Gym Class Is So Bad, Kids Are Skipping School to Avoid It