Das Institut für Wertewirtschaft, eine der letzten vollkommen unabhängigen Forschungs- und Bildungsseinrichtungen im deutschsprachigen Raum, feierte am 9. Oktober 2012 die Eröffnung ihrer neuen Räumlichkeiten
Panel Discussion – Digital scarcity – will central banks be obsolete within this century?
Never in the history on mankind we had a digital asset which as a supply that cannot be manipulated by an entity or authority and enables global settlement without a middleman. Before Bitcoin only central
SLP145 Rahim Taghizadegan – The Zero Interest Rate Trap and social consequences of fiat money (Audio)
Rahim Taghizadegan, Austrian economist and author, joins Stephan Livera in this episode to talk about the problems with central banking, and social consequences of fiat money.